Brahmi: a highly prized ayurvedic herb that stimulates the medhagni – the transforming metabolic power of the brain. Brahmi optimizes cerebral activity, supports efficient information processing by the brain centers of acquistion and recall. Brahmi in this herbal synergy formula is key for vata imbalances, especially when vata has been aggravated by undue stress. An imbalance caused by external stress, can become source of stress itself – a vicious cycle is set into place, where stress breeds stress, keeping the mind and body in a constant state of panic;
Shankapushpi: Transdermally supports the power of the mind (dhi, dhriti, and smriti) with long term use;
Ashwagandha: a famous adaptogenic herb that empowers the nervouse system to maintain calm when faced with stress. Nourishes and enhances the function of the nerves;
Jatamansi: a powerful herb that calms and grounds the mind;
Pushkarmool: dilates physical channels, improving circulationl; enhancing the coordination between physical and vibrational channels;
Lavender: a calming flower and plant, for physical, mental, and emotional equanimity;
Grapefruit: a great anti-oxidant that helps balance and preserve the subtle qualities of this formulation;
Jasmine: maintains the integrity of the skin layers through its “sandhaniya” (unifying) effect; Jasmine also uplifts the emotions and calms the mind through its therapeutic aroma;
Organic sesame oil: warm sesame oil is one of the best carriers for pacifying vata, because its warm and unctuous qualities are soothing to the dry and cold condition that accompanies vata aggravation.
Warm the oil slightly in hot water in your sink, pour some oil into the palm of your hand and massage into the skin. Use circular motions over the joints and swipe out and away from your core over the long bones. Leave the oil on your skin for 20 minutes before showering. You may leave it on for longer but you must cover your head with a cotton scarf to keep warm and stay away from cold drafts.
As with all herbs, please consult your physician before using.
Store in a cool, dark place. Do not leave exposed to sunlight.
Pitta Massage oil Ingredients
“Pitta Abhyanga Oil Synergy” (Vaidya Mishra’s proprietary herbal blend) with Sandalwood, Vetiver and Cyperus in a base of organic Coconut and Jojoba oils
this Pitta oil contains the active molecules of Turmeric (Curcuma longa) as well as Tree Turmeric (Berberis aristata). Turmeric is well known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic properties. In addition, it is an excellent complexion enhancer. The next ingredient, Tree Turmeric (Berberis aristata), also known as Daru haridra, is very good for pacifying Bhrajak pitta when used topically. These ingredients are added to a base of coconut oil – the best oil for cooling and pacifying pitta. This formula is a unique combination that helps pacify bhrajak pitta, as it detoxifies and nurtures the skin at the same time for individuals with high pitta or sensitive skin. The aromatic molecules of Grapefruit and Sweet orange act as carriers. This is a totally non-clogging, light, fragrant oil
that you can use on the whole body, morning and evening, before showers, to cool, detoxify and nourish.
Warm the oil slightly in hot water in your sink, pour some oil into the palm of your hand and massage into the skin. Use circular motions over the joints and swipe out and away from your core over the long bones. Leave the oil on your skin for 20 minutes before showering. You may leave it on for longer but you must cover your head with a cotton scarf to keep warm and stay away from cold drafts.
As with all herbs, please consult your physician before using.
Store in a cool, dark place. Do not leave exposed to sunlight.
This product and statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and are not intended to be used to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. All of the information above is intended to be used for educational purposes only and may not be used to replace or compliment medical advice.
Turmeric with Magnesium Oil: Supplement Facts: Turmeric,Magnesium, Coconut, Vetiver, Grapefruit, Sweet Orange, in a base of organic Grapeseed oil.
Turmeric has numerous laudable properties, but it is used in this formulation for its three primary effects of being the anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic plant of choice, in addition to being a complexion enhancer. Turmeric also pacifies bhrajak pitta or the metabolic
intelligence in the skin. In this sense, this oil is also perfect for high pitta types as it is detoxifying and nurturing at the same time, while pacifying pitta. Regardless of your constitution, if you have or have developed over time, sensitive skin, this massage oil will be
great for you.
Magnesium is Vyana Vata pacifying – that’s the factor in the skin that supports the circulation and distribution of nutrients. Magnesium carries all 3 actions – it pacifies Vata, as it nurtures, and it detoxifies. If you tend to develop a rash during any detox protocol, this oil will be best for you. It is good to use for all body types, for all seasons. Do not use on the face.
The Coconut and Vetiver help further cool and balance any warming effect that may result from the Turmeric or the Magnesium. The Grapefruit and Sweet orange aromatize as they carry the molecules of Turmeric and Magnesium to deeper tissues. Grapeseed oil serves as
a great medium to deliver all the benefits.
Warm the oil slightly in hot water in your sink, pour some oil into the palm of your hand and massage into the skin. When using a big bottle - pour an amount needed in a glass container and warm it up separately instead of holding a big plastic bottle under the hot water (sink). Use circular motions over the joints and swipe out and away from your core over the long bones. Leave the oil on your skin for 20 minutes before showering. You may leave it on for longer but you must cover your head with a cotton scarf to keep warm and stay away from cold drafts.
As with all herbs, please consult your physician before using.
Store in a cool, dark place. Do not leave exposed to sunlight.
This product and statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and are not intended to be used to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. All of the information above is intended to be used for educational purposes only and may not be used to replace or compliment medical advice.